If you had a super power-it would have to do something with all those binkies you own. It would be like a comic book character that weakens without their special power. These things are always with you, it seems we keep collecting more and more of them (I guess that would be Mommy's fault for buying them though) and no matter how I try to keep them put away, you always seem to know where to find another. It used to be that you just needed one, but now the average is 3 at a time! And the things that makes Mommy the craziest, is that our current collection is up to 6, and yet some days there is not even one to be found when we really need it! (I guess that is partly why we own 6!) When we get ready for bed, the routine is one in your mouth, one in your hand, and one on the night stand for middle of the night emergencies. But sometimes you end up coaxing Mommy into allowing you to hold that one too! And you rotate which one is in your mouth-I would not say you have a favorite, you just like to suck on one for a minute, then move onto the next. Knowing that your second birthday is approaching, it is time to start to keep these things away from you more, but they are your comfort, and you still feel best to have one when you are upset or tired. So, for now, I guess we will continue to call you Binkie Boy!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Binkie Boy To the Rescue!
If you had a super power-it would have to do something with all those binkies you own. It would be like a comic book character that weakens without their special power. These things are always with you, it seems we keep collecting more and more of them (I guess that would be Mommy's fault for buying them though) and no matter how I try to keep them put away, you always seem to know where to find another. It used to be that you just needed one, but now the average is 3 at a time! And the things that makes Mommy the craziest, is that our current collection is up to 6, and yet some days there is not even one to be found when we really need it! (I guess that is partly why we own 6!) When we get ready for bed, the routine is one in your mouth, one in your hand, and one on the night stand for middle of the night emergencies. But sometimes you end up coaxing Mommy into allowing you to hold that one too! And you rotate which one is in your mouth-I would not say you have a favorite, you just like to suck on one for a minute, then move onto the next. Knowing that your second birthday is approaching, it is time to start to keep these things away from you more, but they are your comfort, and you still feel best to have one when you are upset or tired. So, for now, I guess we will continue to call you Binkie Boy!
We Still...
Yes, my sweet, sweet little dude. It is true that you are just two months away from turning two, and you like to do many things yourself now, but you are still a baby and let me hold you like one. Everyday we snuggle this way when you first wake up, for your nap, and at bed time. I love that you still fit on my lap, don't wiggle away, and enjoy this time with me. You have grown so quickly and it is hard to let go of special things like this. So, thank you for giving your Mommy the time she needs to still have her baby be a baby. Love you.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Where I Find You Lately
You have been so silly lately! Mommy will be busy with something, and then notice it is suddenly a bit too quiet....for where is our Little Camden? Mommy used to go hunting all over, calling your name, with no answer. But after a few times of discovering you like this, Mommy knows just where you are and what you are up to. Walking up to your closed bedroom door and opening it, you are discovered just sitting so happily in your rocking chair! And you always turn on your sound machine next to the chair before you climb up in it. I guess even a little guy like you needs a peaceful moment to himself once in a while!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
12 On The 12th
So here is a fun game that Mommy played along with other fellow bloggers and scrapbookers-even Auntie Tess has been playing along for the past few months. It involves Mommy taking 12 photos to capture our day on the 12th day of the month. If we will play along every month, I am not sure. But it is a great way to remember to get the camera out and document our daily moments. So here we go...12 photos for March 12, 2012!

#2. And Mommy was busy doing her makeup while you ate, and you insisted on holding my eyelash curler-and even trying to use it on you eye like you just saw Mommy do! #3. One of your favorite things to do is to "clean". You use the spray bottle to pretend to spray a cleaner, then you use the blanket from your picnic basket to "wipe up" what you are cleaning. #4. Trying to get a quick self-timer shot does not work so well with you anymore-you know that there is an image waiting for you on the back of the camera-so you would much rather look at them then pose for a picture! #5. Mommy checking her email, favorite blogs, and websites. #6. Snuggling in your rocking chair before your nap. This is our little ritual-I will keep it going for as long as you will let me. It helps me feel like you are still a little baby. You like it too, though! And you often put your arms around my neck, or pull my face close to yours. You are such a lovey, snuggly baby and I have always enjoyed that! #7. Snacks. You know the word. You also know what it means when I tell you, "Your snacks are on the table". We always seem to have a snack of some sort on the coffee table for you. Today's afternoon snack was veggie pirate booty, cheese strips, and cut up fruit roll up. #8. Playing downstairs-one of your favorite things to do in the house. We play balls, you practice walking up and down the stairs, sweep, and look for things to get into. #9. You found one of your favorite things to play with while downstairs-CORDS! #10. While downstairs, you love to open Mommy's scrapbook cabinet, pull out my jars of ribbons, clips, and other do-dads and dump them out, and check them out. #11. Daddy came to visit and you love to greet him at the door. You always know the sound of the garage opening. You look at me when you hear it and just say, "Dad!" #12. Daddy stayed long enough tonight to help get you ready for bed. It is a rare thing to get to see him during the week these days since he often works past the time you are in bed, or gets here after we have you all ready. This was a special treat for both of you tonight, and I am glad I got to capture it.
Friday, March 9, 2012
The Elmo Phase
You have a favorite character-and it is your first favorite character... Elmo! We have bought you Elmo shaped crackers (which also comes with Big Bird, but you would exclusively eat Elmo!), you have a few stuffed animals and toys, a t shirt, and now slippers! I had spotted these months ago at Toys R Us, and when we were at Babies R Us the other day, I saw them again, and they were on clearance for about $3.50! Can't beat that, so we had to take them home! And we put them on you right away. Mommy was a little worried how you were going to walk around in them with the big plush head, but no surprise, you mastered walking in them quite quickly! You love them, and they make Mommy laugh! Your first slippers.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Today You...
Today you fell asleep all on your own on the couch while watching your favorite Sesame Street DVD. I knew that you were getting tired, but I was on the phone with Daddy. The next thing I knew, you were sound asleep! It was surprising and adorable all at the same time. You are wonderful to watch while you sleep, my sweet baby.
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